Walk 13 completed…

April 27, 2010

Fleetwith Pike

Fleetwith Pike, viewed from Haystacks

On 26th April I completed walk 13. Unlucky for some? Only in the sense that there was no pub at the end of this walk. Otherwise I had a good day walking up from the Buttermere valley, over Fleetwith Pike (pictured), Haystacks and others then down into Borrowdale.

As of the end of this walk I have climbed 46 of the 214 Wainwright fells, and thereby have 168 left – so I’m less than 25% of the way through yet (you aren’t bored yet are you?). I have walked 112.9 miles and climbed a total of 34,989 feet.

Next walk due some time in the week of 10th May…

Two milestones passed…

April 10, 2010

I completed walk 12 on 9th April 2010. Not such good weather and/or good views as the last three as much was spent beneath low cloud. However – it was still a good walk.

More significantly I passed two milestones – over 100 miles walked and a total ascent of more than the height of Everest. As of today I have climbed 42 of the 214 Wainwright fells, walked a total of 105.57 miles and climbed a total of 31,889 feet.