Summit of Kilimanjaro

The Roof of Africa. Uhuru, the ultimate summit, is on the far right. Glacier to the left. Mount Meru, on the horizon, is overlaid by the shadow of Kili itself.

Well, I made it. The picture here was taken at 6.45am (Eastern African time, GMT +3) on Sunday 2nd August. The peak on the right is the highest point in Africa, Kilimanjaro. It took just over five days of walking to reach this point, the whole walk being seven days and, particularly on the final climb, was definitely the hardest physical undertaking I’ve faced. But I did it.

And so…. I’ve blogged about it, as I do. You can read all about it on the Kilimanjaro page which I’ve added to the “International Walks” section. Please do have a look.


Mawenzi. I see a movie with this as its background (but perhaps I am just thinking of “Zulu”)

I did all this, at least in part, to help support my local search and rescue team, Calder Valley Search and Rescue. Supported entirely by donations and volunteering, they seek at the moment to acquire a new off-road ambulance to help them in their valuable task of looking after walkers and others who may get into difficulties on the fells around West Yorkshire. I have a sponsorship page at which you can visit. Every little helps. Thank you…