Sample page from calendar (March, Helvellyn)

Sample page from the calendar: view of Helvellyn and Thirlmere (from walk 11)

As part of my efforts to use this project of mine to raise £2,500 for Mountain Rescue, I have put together a calendar featuring the best photographs from this site. You can see a sample page here, there are more on the “Buy a 2012 calendar” page which also describes how you can order one (or more, if you are feeling generous).The calendars are £7.50 each and for each, £3 will go to Mountain Rescue (the rest covering costs).

Please help me out! I think you will like the calendar. There are only 300 of them (and that is all that ever will exist) – it would be great to distribute them all and add the money raised toward the target…. Buy a calendar today…

Martindale, from Steel Knotts

Martindale, viewed from Steel Knotts. The Nab and, behind it, Rest Dodd are the prominent fells in the centre of the valley.

Phew, I’m sure these blog updates take longer and longer. Anyway, yesterday I managed to get in 13.8 miles before lunchtime, thanks to, first, starting at just after 8am from Penrith rail station (thus nullifying the effect of the awful connections there, about which you have heard passim), and second, designing a walk across easy terrain with clear paths. Walk 42 took in five fells in the north-east corner of the District – and was over by 1.30pm at which point it also included the first boat ride of the project so far. And I’m quite proud of the photo shown here, even if none of these fells were actually bagged today.

As of today, then, I have climbed 130 of the 214 Wainwrights, thus have 84 to go. I have walked a total of 404.42 miles (the 400-mile mark thus coming, roughly, on the summit of Loadpot Hill) and ascended approximately 118,188 feet.

View over to the Greek mainland

View over to the Greek mainland, from the summit.

Having spent my last two summer holidays in the Lake District, we wanted a change this year and have come to Corfu, Greece. I couldn’t quite put a lid on my walking ambitions, however, and spent yesterday hiking up to the summit of Pandokrator, at 2989 feet (911 meters), the highest point on the island.

For the hell of it, to share some pictures with you, and to take my mind off the news at home, I have put together a walk page in the same vein as the others on this site, though Pandokrator is not – of course – a ‘Wainwright’. But if you want to read about my trials and tribulations anyway, follow this link.

Depending on how much work I have when I get back – and how quickly my blisters heal from this one (it was a tough one…) – I should be doing another LD walk next week, say 17th/18th August; if I don’t make that one, then the end of the month.