Hall's Fell ridge

The Hall’s Fell ridge of Blencathra, leading straight to the summit.

It took a lot longer than I thought after walk 109 to return to the District for my next expedition. Bad weather around the end of April put paid to plans at that time, and in May I’ve just been too busy.

But finally, things panned out today so I could get out and complete walk 110. This was short — only 4.75 miles approximately — but no simple stroll, as it took me up to the summit of Blencathra, one of the Lakes’ major mountains, and the first real player that I have gone up a second time.

Blencathra summit, looking south

Blencathra summit, looking south

The climb via Hall’s Fell is described in fulsome terms by Wainwright — so was it as good as he makes out? Certainly this was a fine walk, but to get my full review you’ll have to look at the walk 110 page.

As of today, then, I have done 39 of the 330 Wainwrights a second time, thus have 291 to go. I have several more years of this yet I am sure, so keep checking in… But you won’t have to wait that long, because the next walk is planned for this weekend, weather permitting.