At the end of volume 7, The Western Fells, Wainwright states unequivocally that “I reject suggestions of a Book Eight, The Outlying Fells.” Nevertheless, seven years after he completed The Pictorial Guides, this volume did indeed emerge. It basically contains all of those identifiable peaks within the National Park boundary but which lay outside the ‘straight line’ boundaries that Wainwright had used to define his original set of fells (full details on how he did this are given in the introduction at the beginning of each of the 7 volumes).

Black Combe and the Ashton Memorial

Black Combe, viewed from some 25 miles distant, near Quernmore – the building is the Ashton Memorial, Lancaster

The fells in Book Eight are not all given one chapter each. Several chapters describe walks that take in more than one fell. There are fifty-six chapters in the book and 116 summits, including various nameless ones, giving a total of 330 Wainwrights.

All the 116 Outlying Fells have now been bagged twice: my last one being Irton Pike (on 8th June 2023).

3 Responses to “The Outlying Fells”

  1. Simon said

    A great page I completed the 214 last year on Haystacks and now have three outlyers left Flat Fell, Dent and Humphrey Head. I also have 100 birketts left on the list. Enjoy the rest of your challenge!

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